Posts in : Category: Interfaith Ketubahs | Page 4 | Interfaith Ketubahs

  • Jan

    The Only Site Dedicated To… Interfaith Ketubahs

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    There are lots online stores and judaica shops that focus on ketubahs, from orthodox ketubot sites, to gay ketubah sites.

    But we are proud to be the one and only interfaith-only ketubah store!

    We are dedicated to our vision of the world intermingling, mixing everyone together, to get the best of all worlds–united.

    Interfaith Ketubahs has a unique vision of the world: we are dedicated to the belief that, love should conquer all and that beautiful homes are created when two people passionately in love unite and bring their two religions together.

    This is why we created Interfaith Ketubahs: so that all interfaith marriages can be celebrated and memorialized with the perfect Ketubah that unites both traditions together.

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  • Jan

    Study Says: Jewish Singles Cheat Less

    by admin
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    Today’s study of the day: Jewish Singles Cheat Less Than Their Christian Counterparts.

    Here’s the key part:

    A new survey released by and Christian analyzes the patterns and behavior of the two major dating communities, including dating etiquette, social and familial influences on relationships and attitudes towards infidelity.

    Eighty-four percent of Jewish respondents reported that they have never cheated in a relationship, as opposed to only 66 percent of Christian respondents.

    Whoa! We could choose to interpret that positively of negatively. The negative interpretation would be, the study is being misleading towards the non-Jewish half of our relationships.

    But here at Interfaith Ketubahs, we choose to interpret this positively: this is yet another reason why Jewish men and women are so wonderful to date! They are much more less likely to cheat on you than a Christian, according to the study, so, mazel tov: lets date them more!

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  • Dec

    Welcome to Interfaith Ketubahs!

    by admin
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    Hello and Welcome to the first of many posts on the Interfaith Ketubahs blog! Thank you so much for stopping by our site and we hope you enjoy our Ketubah designs and inspirations. Check out our blog weekly for news, events, and resources within the Interfaith Wedding community!

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